Esthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeries

In ancient Greek, esthetic is the significance of science or significance of philosophy, which is one part of two parts of axiology. The other section of axiology creates ethics. People’s motions (all they do) and its part interested with moral values is entitled morals (ethics), and its part which examines beauties in nature and art, qualities of these beauties and beautiful appreciation judgments is titled aesthetic.
Esthetics deals with correct motions, which are based on worth, but esthetic is also interested in imagination and creativity, which is held on to natural and artistic beauty. Because of these reasons, esthetic significances are subjective and the hardest to measure and evaluate.
The first person to bring about the term esthetic was a German thinker named Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten in the year 1750. According to him, esthetic is the science of emotional information, and its topic is emotional perfection. What he wanted to accomplish, was to skill thinking based upon the beautiful. The esthetic concept defined as looking for, and sensing the beautiful. The emotion and the brains trial are analyzed as sensorial-sensual. It is closely related with philosophical art.
Before Baumgarten, the German philosopher Immanuel Kant used the term esthetic as a philosophical section. The word esthetic comes from the Greek word “aisthesis” or “aisthanesthai”. The word “aisthesis” means sensation, feeling, and perception.
Plastic surgeries are the plastic methods that correct appearances and functions. The word “plastic” means, “shaping” in Greek and comes from “Plastikos”. It is observed that Plastic Surgery was the oldest surgical application in Egypt Papyrus inscriptions extending to 2500 B.C. years.
The first esthetic nose operation was seen as the oldest surgery application in 1887 by Dr. John Roe. Surgeries aspiring improvement and functions of the soldiers that were wounded or lost a limb in the World War I provided a large level in the development of esthetics and plastic surgeries. Today, esthetic surgeries are not considered luxurious but rather considered as a necessity. People often decide their esthetic necessities by themselves. In the United States, facial esthetic surgeries are applied on over 2 million people. More than 500,000 of these esthetic surgeries are nose operations. In recent years, esthetic eyelid and facial rejuvenation’s popularity is increasing very rapidly. All esthetic operations are purposed to create a natural look. Some risks are possible in esthetic surgeries as well as in all surgical applications, but considering all esthetic operations, happy results are created with good surgical planning, careful surgical process, and a good dialogue with the patient. The popularity of esthetic surgeries are increasing rapidly due to this reason.
The term beauty does not have a specific meaning but beauty took its place as an important element in human history. The beauty of Nefertiti, who is the wife of Akhenaton, king of Egypt between 1372-1354 BC. The word Nefertiti itself means pretty (amazing). The standards in beauty and facial proportions have continued in Greco-Roman liking. During the Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci revealed specific standards according to structure and mathematics.
Along with this, standards in beauty concepts continue to show lots of change from one population to another. Having a different face and body shape in the Far East and Africa is considered as beautiful. Nowadays, the purpose of esthetic surgeries can be explained as a technique to go back to youth and bring to an acceptable condition the deviations of the face-body, which are attractively noticed. It should not be forgotten that the expectations of the patients must be realistic and the capabilities of the surgeon must be excellently explained.
This websites is prepared to inform you based on all your interests about esthetics, plastic and reconstructive surgeries. Photographs of real patients are not allowed to be published on the Internet due to the restriction of law. In order to get more information on photographs, I, as your doctor, Nezail Demirciler, am ready to assist you. I wish all my visitors health and goodness.
Best Regards,
Nezail Demirciler, M.D.
Esthetics and Plastic Surgery Specialist