Liposuction, Fat Removal Operation

Liposuction is the operation that removes the fat with a vacuum giving the body a shape that is desired. There will be growth in the fat tissue depending on structural characteristics or depending on nutrition. The fat cells in the skin reach a stable number during the time when the puberty begins. The accumulation of the fat increasing or decreasing is later on dependant on the weight. There will be reduction in the number of fat cells with liposuction. The cells in the area that has gone through application are not all removed and therefore can come back and accelerate if the patient gains weight. Affection in this area is going to be less compared to before the operation. Liposuction is not a method of losing weight. The purpose should be fixing the person’s body shape and lines.
The area that will be fixed should be the first plan before how much fat will be removed. Liposuction can be performed up to 10-15 liters depending on the patient’s need, their body structure, and their health. If liposuction is performed in a good matter, and followed up after operation, the risks are little. The risks are assessed between the numbers of 100,000 people.
History: Liposuction, which became popular in the 1980’s, is performed with a machine that creates a liposuction technique, which has hoses and cannulas (thin metal pipe). The fat is aspirated with a vacuum injector that was explained as the liposculpture technique in 1985. All other similar operations are called lipoplasty. For more than 30 years, the process of shaping the fat tissues has come across different variations and new terminologies have been created while different impressions have been tried to be achieved. There are different number and localization holes on the ends of the thin metal pipes that are connected to the vacuum. The fat tissues that enter the vacuum through these holes are dependent on the cannulas movement being freed from the place it is stuck to. Power-assisted liposuction (PAL) is the lipoplasty technique that also has a canola vibration system along with the vacuum system. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL, VASER) is the technique where ultrasonic waves are given and the fat tissues are dispersed and ejected out with the vacuum system. Laser-assisted liposuction is the liposuction performed with using laser. The laser that is used most is the 1.063-nm and 1.320 neodium aluminum garnet (Nd:FAT). Electrical streams and hypotonic liquid is given to the area which the operation will be performed to break up fat cells, and to vacuum the fat tissues. Morpholipostructure (MLS) is the technique where hypotonic liquid is and superficial ultrasound is performed.
Preparation for Operation: Liposuction should not be performed on people who have kidney, liver, heart diseases, blood diseases, malignancy, deep vein thrombosis, and other systematic sicknesses. If liposuction is performed on the people listed above, it should be done very controllably. The patient’s blood values should be determined before the surgery. A bag of blood is taken from the patient if the patient has enough blood level and is given back to them at the end of the operation. This process activates the patient’s blood production cells, which brings forward the settlement after the surgery. The blood, which is given to the patient after surgery, will not cause any negation and will produce a doping affect, which will help the patient in healing sooner. Before the operation, a map will be drawn by the plastic surgeon of to show the height and hollows. With drawings, it is determined where there will be little, a lot, or none fat injection. The patient’s workup is done before the operation. If the blood value is not enough, the area, which will be operated, can be lessened.
Operation: If the liposuction will be performed in a small area, local anesthesia can be sufficient. If the area is larger, general anesthesia is preferred to be used. Pain relievers and medicine to stop bleeding (liquid) will be injected to the area which liposuction will be performed. Depending on the amount of liquid, super-wet, tumescent, and different techniques have been defined.
The area which liposuction will be performed on should be reached easily and able to hide the scar so the incisions are done in 3-8 mm sizes and the fat cells are aspirated with the help of cannulas. Operation time is estimated between 1-4 hours depending on the area it will be applied. Thick bands or corsets that support the operation area are used. The patient can shower 1 week after. It is suggested for the corset to be worn for minimum 3 weeks. Patient can go back to their daily activities after 1-4 days depending on the liposuction area. Techniques have their good and bad aspects. The classic technique, which is the technique, that uses only the vacuum liposuction is known as the best technique and is used worldwide. In the power-assisted liposuction (PAL) technique, the activity is very different and the surgeons control decreases. In ultrasonic liposuction, activity lessens mainly under the skin’s link tissues. There may be burns from time to time in the laser liposuction. The surgeon’s hand skill is more important that the technique applied. It is important to know from which level and how much layer is taken carefully. Later on, surface irregularities, bloats, and holes can form if a great application was not performed. In the first 1-3 months after the operation, edema distribution diversity can cause surface irregularities. In order for the edema to get better faster and not be permanent, massages with or without devices or other techniques that correct edemas are beneficial.