Breast Reconstruction

The loss of a breast is generally because of part or the entire breast needs to be removed due to the treatment of breast cancer. The breasts are the second sex characteristic, which is also known as the organ that completes a woman. A woman without a breast may think her environment finds her unattractive. Because a woman has a story with breast cancer, not having part or a breast may be thought of a reason for this tragic event to always be remembered. In convenient patients, during the breast cancer operation, when the breast is being removed, it is always good to keep in mind that a breast reconstruction can be performed later on. The reconstruction operation can be made from her own tissues or with silicon prosthesis. The patients own tissue from nearby areas can be made by lengthening it. Breast reparation can be performed if the vessels cut from the original tissues of the breast area are linked. What we call the use of expander silicon prosthesis is the process after the balloon application where the skin is achieved in the early stages, and reconstruction can be performed with inflatable prosthesis’s as well.
Operations performed by placing balloons are separated into two phases. In the first phase, under the skin where the breast is, a balloon is placed. The balloon is slowly inflated 2 days out of a week, which leads to the expansion of the skin in approximately 1.5 months. In the second stage, a permanent prosthesis is placed under the skin. After the breast volume is gained, the nipple is formed and the colored area around the nipple is tattooed which leads to a breast close to a normal breasts structure. Breast reconstruction surgeries may seem excessive and unnecessary but even if the situation is not vital, a person losing an organ can make them feel very incomplete and see themselves as repulsive from a sexual point of view. The lack of breast tissue can constantly remind the patient of the sickness. All these reasons can lessen a persons desire to live which can lead them into depression. All these complaints can be fixed with 2 sessions in 2 months.