Face Lifting

Face lifting operation is performed by entering through the hairy skin under the chin and continuing to the front of the ear and under the earlobe, which reaches to the backside, the hairy skin is cut 2-3 cm proceeding. A think later of the facial skin is lifted and excess skin is removed. The thin muscle and supporting layer located under the facial skin is stretched, and then the corners of the facial skin is stitched. Along with facial lifting, the under side of the chin, cheekbone area, cheek area, the sides of the chin, and neck can be lifted. If the operation is performed on the proper person, it is possible for their face to look 10-15 ages younger. Operation is performed under general anesthesia and takes approximately 3 hours. A thin drainage may be placed so there won’t be any bleeding or accumulation under the skin. The drains are removed after 1 day. The stitches are removed 7-10 days later. The face-lifting plan done under the bone membrane gives results such as classic operations. The purpose is for all techniques to accomplish a younger looking face but the face has a lot of nerves so it is important for the operation to be performed carefully so there won’t be any nerve injuries.